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We cannot stress the importance of getting rid of termites as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, termites are immensely complicated to deal with. In most cases, homeowners won’t be able to rectify this problem on their own. Instead, they’ll need to work with a qualified professional to ensure that the problem can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently. These social creatures always work as a team. Whether they’re searching for food or building tunnels, worker termites will work as a team to get the job done. They won’t stop until it is taken care of. Then, they’re going to move to the next task.
One thing to know about termites is that these pests consume cellulose which can be found in plants, lumber, cotton fibers, cardboard, paper, and furniture. Since it can be found in lumber, termites will chew the wood around your home. If an infestation isn’t taken care of quickly, it’ll destroy your home and make it unsafe. Therefore, the issue has to be dealt with promptly. Termites will eventually build termite mounds. Once they’re established on your property, you know that the colony has grown significantly.
Other members of the colony will burrow in wood and create a nest-like environment there. These pests are going to build small mud tubes to ensure that they can access wood without being attacked. There are other termite species in your area, but the most common species are Subterranean termites. In the United States, termites cause roughly $2 billion in damage to structures annually. Subterranean termites are responsible for 95% of the damage.
Members Of A Termite Colony
Termites have structured colonies with several key members. For instance, a termite colony will have queen termites, king termites, worker termites, and more. Continue reading below to learn more about each class of termites.
The queen termite plays an important role during the early formation of the termite colony. She will always be the bigger member of the colony. In fact, she is so big that she won’t be able to move through the tunnels on her own. She’ll need assistance from hundreds of worker termites that will push her through the tunnels. In some cases, queen termites will grow a little under four inches in length. The primary responsibility of the queen termite is to breed.
She reproduces and helps expand the colony. A queen termite can create as many as 30,000 eggs each day. She’ll live for 10 years or longer. Get rid of the colony or the queen termite will continue making it larger.
King termites are another large member of the termite colony. They are often over half an inch in length. They’re smaller than queen termites but bigger than other members of the colony. The king and queen always work together to reproduce and expand the colony. He will spend the rest of his days reproducing with the queen.
Worker termites are light and soft bodies. These pests do not have any wings. They look like a piece of rice and grow up to 10mm long. These termites are constantly busy. They perform most of the tasks that need to be done. For instance, they’re going to care for termite eggs, hunt for good, and build tunnels. Worker termites are the only ones that can eat cellulose so they have to feed it to other members of the colony.
By looking at their name, you can likely guess what soldier termites do. They’re defenders and protect the colony from predators. These termites look like worker termites since they’re light and wingless. They’re roughly the same size, but soldiers have larger heads. They have strong jaws that they’ll use to defend the colony. In general, soldier termites have to defend the colony from ants.
Finally, there are swarmer termites. These termites are produced in spring. Once this happens, they’ll quickly develop wings and move away from the colony. Then, they’re going to build new colonies elsewhere. Swarmers are reproductive termites so they can reproduce and create new colony members. There are male and female swarmers. A colony can have hundreds or thousands of swarmer termites. It can also have many soldiers and worker termites.
It will only have one king termite and one queen termite.
Which Termite Species Are Found In Our Area?
There is a risk that you’ll encounter several species of termites. However, the most common termite species are Subterranean termites. Below, you’re going to learn more about these termites.
About Subterranean Termites
Subterranean termites are a lot like other termites since they have specific classifications. A Subterranean termite colony will have several members, including swarmers, soldiers, and workers. Each member belongs to a specific category. The classification will determine the termite’s responsibilities and appearance. Soldier termites and worker termites of the Subterranean species grow up to 3/8ths of an inch in length. If the termite has a long, brown head, you’re dealing with a worker termite.
They also have strong mandibles. Swarmer termites are larger since they can reach have an inch.
Common Behaviors
Subterranean termites have a lot in common with other species. They prefer living in underground colonies with many tunnels. Alternatively, some members of the colony will live in moist locations above ground. They build mud tubes so they can access food sources without exposing themselves to predators and open air. Subterranean termites feed on cellulose which is found in lumber. They swarm in spring. When this happens, swarmer termites are going to leave the colony and try to build new colonies nearby.
Biggest Concerns
A termite colony can’t be ignored because it will destroy your home. Termites are one of the most destructive pests in our area. Worker termites have jaws that work like saws. They will chew off small pieces of wood. It takes a while, but they will severely damage your home over a period. If the problem isn’t addresses, these termites can make your home unsafe. Work with a professional exterminator to deal with the infestation before it ruins your home.
More About Flying Ants & Termites
You should learn more about flying ants and flying termites. You’ll want to learn how to identify which one you’ve found so you don’t overreact. Flying ants and flying termites look a lot alike. They’re roughly the same size and shape. However, flying ants have wings that are of different sizes. The front wings are longer than the back wings. Their wings are incredibly tough. Flying termites have wings of equal sizes, but their wings are fragile and break easily.
Flying ants have pinched waists like ordinary ants. Flying termites do not. Their waists are thick. Finally, you can tell the difference by looking at the insect’s antennas. If they’re straight, the insect is a flying termite. Otherwise, elbowed antennas mean you’re dealing with a flying ant.
Interesting Facts Regarding Termites
You’ll want to learn more about termites since you never know when you’re going to encounter them. Below, you’ll find unique facts about termites.
- Termites never stop consuming cellulose. These pests will eat every hour of the day and every day of the week. They never stop eating or destroying your home.
- Termites colonies can last for many, many years. They’ll survive for many worker termite generations. It is common for a termite species to last for as long as 70 years.
- In our area, it is common for termite colonies to house as many as half a million termites. Some have more and others have less.
- Termites need to be removed from your property promptly. However, they’re okay in Mother Nature. In fact, they’re helpful because they help dispose of deadwood.
- A Subterranean termite cannot survive unless it has access to water around the clock. If it dried out, it will die.
- Most termites live underground but they can live above. When they live above ground, they’ll stay in moist mud tubes or tunnels.
- Ants often attack worker termites. They can also attack colonies. Soldier termites have to defend the colony from these predators.
- Working with a qualified exterminator ensures you can get rid of the termites on your property.
- The United States is home to roughly 40 species of termites. Although they’re found across the country, most are found in the southeast.
- More than 2,000 termite species live on the planet.
- Alaska is the only American state that doesn’t have Subterranean termites.
- Subterranean termites cause most of the structural damage in the United States each year.
- These pests cannot chew through concrete. However, they will move through its cracks and gaps quickly. Therefore, concrete won’t hold them back.
- Worker termites are responsible for feeding other members of the colony. They eat and digest cellulose. Then, they’re going to regurgitate it and feed it to other members of the colony.
- Queen termites help build the colony by reproducing. She can live as long as 20 years while laying thousands of eggs every day.
Termite Risks & Dangers
Termites pose a danger for homeowners, renters, and business owners. These pests are going to create numerous issues. First and foremost, you’re going to destroy your home. Worker termites will chew through the wood around your home. If they’re not taken care of it quickly, the pests will destroy your home. They’re not physically dangerous, but their presence will concern you. You’ll have difficulty sleeping comfortably since you’ll know they’re destroying your home. The problem needs to be remedied before it worsens.
Clearing The Termites From Your Home
It is pertinent to do what you can to get rid of the termites before the infestation worsens. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. The problem is that termites can travel as far as 300 feet from their colonies. They’re going to travel through underground tunnels so you’ll have difficulty spotting them. Termites are weak, fragile critters that are easily killed by ants. Nevertheless, trying to fix the problem won’t be easy. If you use incorrect methods, the risks are immense. Fix the problem safely by working with a high-quality exterminator in your area. Our programs are carefully designed to eliminate termite infestations. We’ll get rid of them and do everything we can to prevent them from returning.
Fixing It On Your Own
Ultimately, a termite infestation is a complex problem. It is difficult to eliminate, but easier with professional assistance. If you try to fix the issue on your own, you’ll have to use dangerous pesticides or unreliable techniques. It is best to protect yourself, your loved ones, your pets, and your belongings. The best way to do that is by teaming up with a qualified exterminator. A reliable exterminator knows how to use the latest tools and techniques to fix the problem before it worsens. Our termite program is designed to fix the problem safely. Get in touch with us to get started right away.
When Can You Begin?
Don’t hesitate to contact our office because we’re always ready to help. We aim to remedy such problems as quickly as possible. After your call, we’ll get back to you within 24 to 48 hours. We’ll help you schedule an appointment with one of our friendly, reliable exterminators.
Safest Termite Solutions
You need to eliminate the termites in your home promptly, but you shouldn’t expose yourself to dangerous chemicals. Instead, you’ll want to work with us. We offer safe solutions because our technicians use EPA-registered products to eradicate termites. These products have been tested extensively so we know they’re safe and reliable. Plus, our technicians complete intricate training to ensure that they’ll fix the problem safely. They’ll follow precise protocols to minimize the risks involved. Your safety and satisfaction are top priorities for our exterminators.
Preventing Termite Invasions
It is pertinent to use the tips below to keep termites away from your home.
- Do not let water collect around your home’s foundation. To avoid such problems, make sure your gutters, downspouts, and splash blocks are working correctly. Also, make sure there are no leaks around your home. Check water pipes, faucets, and air conditioning units. If you find any leaks, deal with them.
- Humidity problems can lead to termite infestations. Reduce the humidity in your attic, basement, and crawlspace.
- Firewood must be stored a safe distance from your home. Keep firewood 20 feet from the home. Then, it should be 5 inches from the ground.
- Wood mulch should be placed 15 inches from your home’s foundation. Using rubber mulch is safer.
- Carefully check your home for termites regularly. Be sure to check for cracked paint or bubbling paint.
Contact us when you suspect termites have entered your property.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.