bedbugs invade a residence, they’re going to spread throughout the home and find places to hide.
Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown, and excellent hiders. Since they hide so well, you may not realize that you have a problem until they’ve reproduced and grown the colony.
Bedbugs can bite, and their bites will lead to red, itchy welts. However, some people do not develop symptoms at all.
Bedbugs are usually a quarter of an inch or smaller so they’re hard to find in your home. Below, you’ll find out more about common
bedbug hiding places.
Frequent Places Bedbugs Hide
On Mattresses & Box Springs
Bedbugs prefer staying in the bedroom so they can suck your blood when you sleep. These pests suck human blood, but they’ll accept animal blood too. They’ll sleep on your mattress. They can in the small folds and cracks of the fabric. Bedbugs can be found on both sides of the mattress and box spring. When searching a dwelling for bedbugs, start by checking the mattress and box spring. If you have
bedbugs, you’ll find them here.
Your Bed Frame
These pests will hide in many places, including bed frames. Your frame has many excellent hiding spots, including cracks, folds, and corners. Bedbugs are reddish-brown so they’re going to be difficult to see when hiding on many bed frames. They’ll blend in with the frame. When the infestation worsens, the bedbugs will move further from the mattress. Some will hide on your bed frame.
Bed Sheets
Again, bedbugs spread out when the colony grows. When this happens, they’ll hide on bed frames, bedsheets, and covers. Therefore, you’ll need to carefully inspect your bed sheets. They’re easy to see on bedclothes. Besides searching your mattress and box spring, you’ll also need to search your sheets and covers.
Carpets & Rugs
Bedbugs sometimes hide on rugs and carpets. If you have rugs or carpets in your bedroom, bedbugs are going to hide on this item. Once the infestation has worsened, the bedbugs will spread out and find new places to hide. Many will hide deep within the carpet’s fibers. If they’re in your luggage, they’ll climb out and hide between the rug’s fibers.
Furniture Like Couches
Couches and other furniture offer many excellent hiding places. If you have bedbugs, they’ll likely hide in your furniture. For instance, they can hide between the cushions of the couch and chairs in your home. They’ll also hide behind the pillows. In some cases, they’ll hide under the furniture too. Furniture gives them plenty of viable hiding places.
Ultimately, these pests will find plenty of excellent hiding places in your home. They can hide on your mattress and your rugs. They’re also going to hide in many other places.
Odd Places Bedbugs Hide
Remember that bedbugs can hide anywhere. They’ll hide in some strange spots in your home. Some of these odd hiding places will be explored in greater depth below.
It is common for bedbugs to hide in luggage bags. When you decide to travel the country, you’re likely going to stay at certain motels. When you do, there is a risk that you’re going to stay at a bedbug-infested motel. When this happens, the bedbugs may climb into your luggage. From that point forward, it is only a matter of time before you take them home with you. Although most bedbugs will leave your luggage, some may stay. Therefore, you might find them hiding in the pockets of your luggage. They’ll also hide in any clothes stored in your luggage.
Decorations On Your Walls
You’ll need to check the decorations on your walls. You may hang paintings and other pictures on the walls of your kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Although they’ll add life to your rooms, they’re also going to create more hiding places for the bedbugs in your home. These pests will climb the wall and find a place to hide behind the paintings on your walls.
Many people like reading before they go to sleep. Once they do, they’re going to lay their book down on a desk nearby. If you leave the book there for a few days, there is a risk that bedbugs are going to hide in it. The book offers several hiding spots, including the space between the book’s binding and spine. These pests are also going to hide under the protective cover. If you have a bookshelf in your room, bedbugs will likely hide in your books.
Using a nightstand is a good way to keep your clothes organized. You can also use it to store other items. Just remember that a nightstand can be a good hiding place for these pests. They’re going to hide in drawers, corners, gaps, and elsewhere. They’ll also hide underneath the nightstand.
Electronic Devices
You likely have a lot of electronic devices in your home. Bedbugs can use the electronic devices in your home for hiding places. If the device has small ventilation holes, bedbugs will climb through and hide inside. They often hide in laptops, desktop computers, television, and PlayStation consoles. However, they prefer electronics close to your bed, including alarm clocks.
Finally, bedbugs are going to hide in any boxes under your bed. You might store books, clothes, or other items under your bed. These items could be stored in storage boxes. If this is the case, you’ll want to make sure that the boxes are fully secured. If they’re not, bedbugs are going to climb into the boxes and stay there. Prevent this from happening by using airtight boxes. Prevent them from hiding in the boxes under your bed by using durable containers.
Unfortunately, bedbugs can hide anywhere in your home. When the infestation starts, the pests are going to start hiding on your mattress and box spring. As the infestation grows, they’re going to move to other hiding places around the home, including computers, bed frames, rugs, carpets, and elsewhere. It is pertinent to know where these pests are hiding so you can be ready to find and deal with them.